We designed NextAgency specifically for agencies selling benefits, senior and life policies to individuals and groups. Many agencies use NextAgency "as-is." We recognize, however, that every agency is unique. So we made the software easy to customize for the way you and your agency works.
To personalize NextAgency you'll need to go to settings. You can get there from the blue navigation pane or by clicking on your profile picture located in the top right corner of every page within NextAgency.
Most agencies start by setting preferences, which can be accessed by clicking on the Preference side-tab. Personal preferences impact only you. Here you can set your Default Homepage, default case tab, enable Auto Save features, and manage notifications. Agency preferences affect the entire agency. Only Administrative Brokers and those they've given permission to set agency-wide preferences can access this tab. This is where they can set the format for phone numbers for your agency, set-up Two Factor Authentication and Automatic Sign-off, and more.
The other tabs in Settings host other ways to customize NextAgency. For example, in Carrier Settings you can define Product Types. In Cases Settings you can add, edit or delete the Sales Statuses and Stages your agency will use. Select the Configuration Settings tab to create Contact Roles and Custom Fields.
For detailed information on each section, please read the NextAgency Settings article.