NextAgency enables you to assign contacts to tasks or notes. This can make it much easier to track who is impacted by an item. You also can view all the tasks and notes with which a contact is associated in their contact record. In this article, we explain how to assign tasks and notes to contacts within the system.
To associate contact(s) to an existing task or note navigate to either the Tasks or Notes tab within a given record type. Select the task or note you wish to associate and click on Actions its Action button then on the Edit link.
Next, select the 'Contacts' tab. Here you can either create a new contact or associate an existing one.
When in the contact record, click on the Associated Tasks/Note tab to view all the tasks and notes associated with that contact.
While in the contact record, you can see all the entities with which a contact is associated in the aptly labeled 'Associated Entities' tab.