This article provides a step-by-step guide on seamlessly integrating your BerniePortal account with NextAgency.
Before proceeding, it's important to highlight that administrative access to your BerniePortal account is required to activate the API.
Upon logging into your BerniePortal account, click on the portrait in the top right corner and select "Account."
Next, access the "Integrations" section from the left side menu. On the "BernieAPI" tab, toggle on NextAgency integration. Upon activation, a unique code (MASTER KEY) will be generated. Simply copy this code for further use.
Once you've obtained the code, please log in to your NextAgency account. On the top right, click on the portrait and then "Settings".
Click on the "Integrations" tab and click on the "BerniePortal" option from the left side menu. To add your account, simply click on "Add Bernie Portal account".
You will be prompted to enter the Master key and an account name. You can paste the previously copied code into the Master Key field. Feel free to give this account any name you like.
Upon completing this step, you'll be directed to a page where you can map your fields. Most mappings will already be pre-configured for you. However, if necessary, you can make adjustments as needed in this section.
Furthermore, you can utilize the provided filters based on your preferences.
Create Renewal Date as effective +1 year: Checking this option will automatically set benefits renewal dates as one year ahead of their effective dates.
Auto Update Benefit Status: Checking this option will automatically update benefit statuses according to their effective and renewal dates.
Sync benefits from effective date: Here you can specify the effective date from which you want to sync all your benefits over to NextAgency.
Once satisfied with your selections, click the option to save. This action will return you to the Integrations page. From here, Click on "Actions" and select the "Sync" option to initiate the sync for Bernie Portal.
It's important to note that syncing for BerniePortal is not automatic. Therefore, if updates are required, simply navigate to Settings > Integrations > BerniePortal > Actions and click on the re-sync option.
Please contact our support team if you require any assistance!