A carrier credential is the login information about the broker or agent, which is stored in NextAgency. To open the Carrier Credentials page:
1. In the navigation bar, click Fast Access > Carrier Credentials.
Here you can see a list of all carrier credentials that have been created in NextAgency, with their names, types, settings, and available actions.
Adding a Carrier Credential
To add a new carrier credential, follow these steps:
- In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add New.
- In the Add New Broker ID dialog that opens, specify the following information:
- Carrier: Select the carrier for which you are adding the ID.
- Name: Enter the name of the broker or agency.
- Type: Select the type of the carrier, either Broker or Agency.
- Agent/Broker ID: Enter the ID of the agent or broker.
- Carrier Site Username: Enter the username that the carrier will specify for authorization with NextAgency.
- Carrier Site Password: Enter the password that the carrier will specify for authorization with NextAgency.
- Carrier Site URL: Enter the carrier website URL.
After you click Save, the carrier ID will appear in the list.
Managing Carrier Credentials
The following carrier credential management options are available in the carrier credentials list:
- Preview carrier credential information.
- Edit carrier credential information.
- Delete carrier credential information.